Volume 5, Issue 3 (Volume 5, Number 3 2014)                   jdc 2014, 5(3): 117-123 | Back to browse issues page

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Hamidizadeh N, Dastgheib L, Ranjbar S, Handjani F, Jafari P. Octopirox 1% shampoo versus ketoconazole 2% shampoo in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor: A randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial. jdc 2014; 5 (3) :117-123
URL: http://jdc.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5082-en.html
1- Molecular Dermatology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran , nhamidizadeh@gmx.net
2- Department of Dermatology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
3- Molecular Dermatology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
4- Department of Biostatistics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (17492 Views)
Background and Aim: Pityriasis versicolor (PV) is a fungal infection of the skin that is caused by Malassezia species in tropical and subtropical areas. Various treatments such as ketoconazole 2% shampoo are effective in the treatment of PV. In this study, the therapeutic effects of ketoconazole 2% shampoo and Octopirox 1% shampoo on PV were compared. Methods: Fourty-two patients participated in the study. Twenty-five patients were treated using Octopirox 1% shampoo and 17 patients were treated by ketoconazole 2% shampoo. Each shampoo was administered for 5 minutes after daily showers for three weeks. At the end of the treatment period, patients were evaluated on the basis of the results KOH test and clinical examinations. Results: At the end of the treatment period in ketoconazole 2% shampoo group, 64.7% of patients were cured. In Octopirox 1% shampoo group, 44% of patients were cured. The detected difference was not statistically significant (P=0.187). Conclusion: Both shampoos were effective in eliminating the symptoms, but ketoconazole 2% shampoo was more effective in improving the associated hyperpigmentation and erythema than Octopirox 2% shampoo. No side effects were observed in either group.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2015/01/5 | Accepted: 2015/01/5 | Published: 2015/01/5

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